Sabtu, 08 Juli 2017

Rivetz Platform Cyber ​​security with blockchain technology

Rivetz Cryber Scurity.

Regardless of where you live or what your status is, devices are are an important part of your day to day existence or bussiness. You are always connected to the internet, always on the move, making or receiving payments, sending emails or chatting. However, all this connectivity, mobility and accesibility have their downsides — vulnerabilities to attacks or malware.
How to protect your electronic devices? How to fight against attacks? You may say an antivirus is enough. You may even add that a safe internet connection will just do the trick, regardless of your actions. But is that true? The same questions may be asked by owners of Blackberry, iOS, Android or Windows operated smartphones. Unfortunately, the answer is no — no antivirus will be enough. That is why, Rivetz created the perfect tool for privacy and security.
Ginni Rometty, IBM’s chairman, president and CEO, stated that “Cyber-crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world.” And she is right. During the next five years, cyber-crime might become the greatest threat to every person, place and thing in the world. Adm. Mike Rogers, commander of the Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency, said “There are only two types of organizations: those that know that they’ve been hacked and those that don’t yet know.
The perfect solution, soon available
How does it work? Rivetz uses the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to protect all your private information (finances and other data included). You may compare it to a hidden vault that no operating sistems or software can open or crack. Thus, it creates a safe environment for all the operations your smartphone may run — including mobile wallet, chat/voice, storage, cloud authentification and so on.
Moreover, this vault is constantly checked — its integrity and its health are of upmost importance for your transactions or communications.
Only Rivetz uses the hardware security that is embedded in the devices. By doing this, it protects all transactions from being exposed and protects software development companies from financial exposure and public embarrasament.
Rivetz integrates trusted computing with blockchain technology to provide comprehensive privacy protection across multiple devices powered by the RVT Token.

RvT will be available through a token sale open to the community.

The token sale will start on July, 25th 2017 17:00 UTC

RvT Token Sale Details:

Early Bird Bonus: 20%
Minimum objective: $5,000,000 USD
Maximum amount: $50,000,000 USD
Max RvT total supply: 200,000,000 RvT
Max RvT sold by crowdsale: 70,000,000 RvT

Contack link Rivetz


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